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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Kirk

3 Tips to Market Your Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Practice

Updated: Jan 5

Struggling to effectively market your pelvic health physical therapy practice?

Today, I want to talk about my experience as a pelvic health physical therapist and how I feel like it has helped me to better understand marketing concepts for pelvic health physical therapy practices and business owners. In this post, we are going to go over 3 specific marketing tips that will help to accelerate your pelvic health physical therapy practice, get you more patients, and engage the population you are so passionate about helping. Let’s get started.

a pregnant woman with her hands on her stomach

Spread Pelvic Health Awareness

Marketing tip number one:

As pelvic health physical therapists and pelvic health practice owners, we need to emphasize spreading awareness about what it is that the common individual is dealing with and how we can help. Nine times out of ten, when a patient is sitting in front of me for their pelvic physical therapy evaluation, this is the first time they are hearing that we can help with certain things like pelvic pain, pain with sex, leakage, etc.

As a pelvic health physical therapy private practice owner, you want to utilize the social media and digital platforms you are most comfortable with to spread awareness. This could be Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. It doesn’t matter what you use, as long as you are out there spreading the word about who it is that we can help and how we can help them.

I also think it’s important to note here that you could be the best pelvic health specialist in your area as far as knowledge and skills go, but if clients don’t know that you exist, or what things you can help them with, your caseload isn’t going to benefit. Again, this is simply due to awareness or lack thereof. So just to emphasize, marketing tip number one is to use the content you are creating to spread awareness.

two ladies having a fun conversation

Create Space For Comfortable Conversation

Let’s move into marketing tip number two. We need to make this population feel comfortable. We need to utilize the content we are creating to create a safe space for these individuals to feel comfortable having conversations about these uncomfortable topics.

Oftentimes, when I am seeing a pelvic patient during evaluation and follow-up appointments, talking with these patients about these different “taboo” topics, if you will, it’s hard for them. It’s uncomfortable for them. We as pelvic health practitioners are comfortable with talking about the issues of pee, poop, sex, pelvic pain, and leakage, but this isn’t our patient’s everyday conversation. It’s not something that society has normalized to allow for comfortable conversations, especially with a stranger, and let’s face it, as pelvic health therapists, we are a stranger to them especially if they are meeting us for the first time.

I think it’s also important to mention that I have noticed differences in generational comfort when it comes to discussing pelvic health-related topics. The geriatric population is a lot timider, and part of that could be because societally they have been dealing with these issues and frustrations and have been told that they are “normal.” I had one 66 y/o patient tell me that when she delivered her fifth baby back in 1985, she went to her doctor and told him that she had been struggling with incontinence. Do you know what her doctor’s response was? She was leaking because she didn’t do enough Kegels after having her babies. So of course, generationally, older individuals are going to naturally believe that these dysfunctions are “normal.”

As far as the young adult population goes, it’s still not the most comfortable thing to talk about when you’re struggling with pelvic dysfunction, but it seems to be a little more normalized for them to be open about.

With this tip, I really want to emphasize that we want to utilize the content we create as pelvic health practices to promote open-ended conversations about these taboo topics. We want to make these conversations feel natural (because they are), show empathy, and let patients know we are here to help no matter what “weird” thing they bring to the table.

a mom doing yoga with her baby

Answer the FAQs

The third and final tip is to utilize your content and website to answer the “most frequently asked questions” you get in the clinic or even outside of the clinic. One easy way to do this is to create an FAQ section to be up on your website that houses all of this information. Another way to do this is by creating content that addresses these FAQs. Here are some basic FAQs that would be great to create content for:

  • What is pelvic physical therapy (or occupational therapy)?

  • Do I have to do internal interventions during pelvic therapy?

  • Do internal pelvic treatments hurt?

  • Why can’t I just do Kegels at home on my own?

  • Can I come to pelvic rehab if I’m on my period?

  • What’s the difference between pelvic rehab and an OB/GYN examination?

Utilizing your content to just immediately answer these common questions really helps potential clients to understand what they are to expect and maybe makes them feel a little more comfortable to reach out for help.

To close, these are the top three tips I have seen during my time practicing as a pelvic health physical therapist. Again, just to reiterate my tips to help market your pelvic health physical therapy practice:

  • Tip 1: Use your content to spread awareness.

  • Tip 2: Use your content to create an open conversation about these uncomfortable topics.

  • Tip 3: Use your content to answer FAQs.

If you have questions about any of these things I discussed today, or you want to find out more about what I do as a marketing consultant for pelvic health physical therapy practices, get in touch with me.👇🏼

Check out my website (linked here) to learn more about me and the services I offer.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook! I will be posting new content periodically with valuable information about myself, my business, the services I offer, and the benefits of digital marketing in general.

Need help with marketing your practice? Book a time to chat! I’d love to get to know you, learn about your business, and learn how I can help you grow in the digital world!

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